H ave you ever gotten up in the morning, thought about working out, and passed? If you have you're not alone (imagine that), like most people, our days are full and taking the time to perform some mind numbing, dull, backbreaking workout simply is not ranked high on the agenda. What is one to do? Go for a Walk? Hit the Gym? Yoga? Most exercise while being incredibly dull, miss a lot of different muscle groups or lack cardio or some other necessary point that one should (but rarely do) work on. If you want to hit all the points such as cardio, endurance, muscle training, cross fit, balance stamina and endurance, you will usually have to do multiple different exercises. This takes time and that equates to high costs. If you figure out your limited amount of free time, or time to spend with the kids or other high value such as your hourly wage, you will find your time is valuable. So back to the question what is one to do? Well, you can get out on a trail, do so...